What is this?

Collective intelligence is the emergent capacity of interconnected autonomous systems to process information and act on shared objectives more efficiently and effectively than any single system. It is an emergent phenomenon in which diverse individuals, with different ideas, perspectives, and knowledge, leverage each other’s intelligence to create better decisions, products, and solutions than any one individual could generate on their own. It is fundamentally about collective optimization – seeking optimal outcomes through collective effort – and relies on collaboration and communication for shared understanding, learning, and wisdom.

See also: distributed cognition, feedback loop, game theory, possibility space

Deep Code: Jordan (Green)Hall Documentary 160,727

Deep Code Assessment - Jordan Peterson/Channel 4, Glitch in the Matrix 61,685

The Unfolding Meta-Crisis, Jordan Hall 40,346

The Paradox of the Times, with Jordan Hall 38,172

The Transition 28,523

Reality Check 2019, Jordan Greenhall 22,541

Politics Decentralized: A new paradigm of governance (Jordan Greenhall) 17,284

Vervaeke & (Green)Hall: Bullshit & Simulated Thinking 16,720

Genuine Conversation and the Intellectual Dark Web, Jordan Greenhall 15,907

Unpacking the Meta-Crisis, Q&A with Jordan Hall 13,899